LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP - Day 12

12 days. The team started out on a virtual journey 12 days ago, from New York, New York to Los Angeles, California and continued beyond our coast to coast goal and finished this virtual trek in Portland, Oregon. We’ll wrap it up and share one final story with you.

On May 16, 2010, 7 year old Aiyana Jones was killed by police. The police raided the complex that Aiyana and her family lived in while looking for a suspect of another crime. The raid started with a flash grenade, and no knock on the apartment. The flash grenade lit Aiyana on fire and her grandmother was attempting to put out the fire when she was shot in the head by one of the police officers. Officers falsified their reports which stated the grandmother was aggressive towards them once they entered the home and attempted to grab the gun; this was later disproved by forensic reports saying the grandmother never touched the gun and the shot was fired from outside the house.

This mirrors the death of Breonna Taylor, who was also killed by police in a no knock warrant.





12 Days later… the coast to coast challenge recap!


LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP - Day 11