12 Days later… the coast to coast challenge recap!

We made it! Thank you to all who supported our team on the LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP LDF fundraiser. Over the course of 12 days, you helped us raise over $5,000 to go to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, almost doubling our original goal of $2,800. Our team rode a total of 3,900 miles bring us coast to coast and then all the way to Portland, smashing our original goal of 2,800 miles. With riders ranging from DC to Phoenix to Durango to even Canada, our team committed to pushing their riding limits beyond what they had done before and we could not have done it without the help of our donors and supporters. We rode as a team, and channeled collective energy into a project that we felt was important. We’re proud to have done this together, supporting teammates around the country while we cannot be together.

In addition to the miles and funds raised, the team shared 12 stories of victims of police brutality and racial injustice in our country on our team social media platforms. Each day, we shared an update of what city we were in and a story of a victim of police brutality from that city. These stories ranged from the unjust death of Michelle Sherman, a transgender Black woman in Indianapolis, to the more well-known stories of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Our hope is that these stories brought attention to the numerous and tragic instances of racial injustice that have occurred in our country and encouraged are followers to take action for change. You can read these stories on our blog.

We’re proud of our team, the miles we rode, the money raised for the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the attention we brought with our stories on racial injustice. Although the challenge is over, we hope to continue to look at what actions we can take, individually and collectively, to reshape our institutions to include Black and other BIPOC folks. Black lives matter.


2021 Team Roster


LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP - Day 12