LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP - Day 10

So we made it to the coast. Now what? We keep riding because you all keep donating! Thanks to all of your support, we’re going to keep going and try and make it to our farthest away teammate, Rachel Canning and her hometown! We’re virtually making our way up the coast of California, the team is in King City. As we enter the final portion of the challenge, we’d like to share the story of Mia Wright of Chicago.

On May 31, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois Mia Wright was pulled from her car by police. Mia and her family were looking to go to the mall, but found it closed and had started to leave the parking lot when Chicago police stopped their cars next to her. Roughly twelve officers surrounded the car, broke her car window, and dragged her out of the car. She was then arrested and placed in a choke hold for an extended amount of time. Mia was arrested for attempting to disturb the peace by force and violence according to officers, but others in her car state that they were getting ready to leave the parking lot after finding it closed. Her car was taken into custody by police and she was charged for what she was arrested for. During her arrest, she was hurt by both the glass being broken on her window and hitting her as well as from the officers unlawful use of force. Mia is but one story of police using unnecessary force in order to arrest, in addition Mia had not broken any laws and was arrested nonetheless.




LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP - Day 11


LLG Coast to Coast for NAACP - Day 9