2021 Team Roster

The Levine Law Group Elite Women’s Cycling team celebrates their fourth year racing as a U.S. domestic level program in 2021. The race calendar will mainly focus on domestic criteriums including the USA CRITS Series, as a member of their D1 team program and Pro Road Tour events. Riders will also attend gravel and fondo events, as well as track and mountain bike events.

The 2021 roster boasts a near complete return of the 2020 competitors, eager to return to racing and complete the goals they set out to reach last year. Returning riders include Rachel Canning, back for her third year with the team, after a number of strong performances in 2019, including a 4th place finish at the Littleton Twilight Criterium.

Also returning to the racing roster for 2021 will be California native Hayley Bates, who, in addition to racing, has stepped into an administrative role with the team, supporting team director Lauren LeClaire in managing sponsor relations and coordinating efforts to form the new non-profit organization. 

New to the team’s small development squad for 2021 will be Kate Seiler, of Louisville, KY. Seiler, who recently aged out of the Twenty20 Junior Development program, will compete with the LLG Women once she finishes her collegiate season with Colorado Mesa University.

The LLG team roster (to date):

Rachel Canning (Bowen Island, B.C.)
Hayley Bates (Monrovia, CA)
Kate Canady (Trent Woods, NC)
Abby Krawczyk (Memphis, TN)
Ava Hachmann (Durango, CO)
Allison Schroeder (Boulder, CO)
Cara O’Neill (Tucson, AZ)
Dakota Topp, Development Team (Anthem, AZ)
Kate Selier, Development Team (Louisville, KY)
Lauren LeClaire, Team Director (Sutton, MA)

Meet them all below!!


Rachel Canning

Hometown: Lions Bay, BC

Currently resides on: Bowen Island, BC

Pets: Barclay the Golden doodle, Jacob the cat

On the bike accomplishments:
4th 2019 Littleton Twilight

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: Running, hiking, camping, kayaking. Spending as much time as possible with Barclay. I work as a Kinesiologist, and as a Personal Trainer.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I don’t like cinnamon buns

Why do you race bikes: To go new places and meet new people. I’m competitive by nature, so to challenge myself in ever changing environments.

How did you get into cycling?: As a way to rehab my knee after a skiing accident. I had a friend who introduced my to a racing club, and I was hooked.

Favorite color: Green

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: Handstand push ups

What is your favorite 90s jam: Anything Tragically Hip

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: To race my bike! 

What animal do you most identify with?: Tapirs

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: ANY OF THEM. I just want to race!

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Hayley Bates

Hometown: Long Beach, CA

Currently resides in: Monrovia, CA

Pets: two fish and my neighbor’s cat

On the bike accomplishments: I started racing ultra endurance mountain bike races and did Leadville at age 18 with zero training (big ouch). Since then my races lengths have gotten progressively shorter, from xc mountain biking to road racing, now to crits and track racing. I snagged an elite natty champ in the team pursuit last year and I’m hungry for more!

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I work in commercial real estate, enjoy napping, making playlists, reading, lifting, yoga, and spending lots of time at the beach.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: when Lauren (team mom) can’t find me all of a sudden, she looks for the nearest dog

Why do you race bikes: two reasons! I love the people I meet and the places I get to go. I can’t imagine where I would be without the cycling community. I’m also very competitive with myself. I like seeing how hard I can push myself and how much I can progress.

How did you get into cycling?: my parents are cyclists and basically bribed me into the sport when I stopped playing soccer

Favorite color: blue!

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I can do a double digit number of pull ups.

What is your favorite 90s jam: No Diggity

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: Get pink on the podium at all team events. I am also prepping for the individual pursuit should track nationals occur this year, and planning to apply to graduate school.

What animal do you most identify with?: dogs, specifically puppies. I love running around in unpredictable bursts of the zoomies, taking naps, and affection from my favorite humans. 

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: Tulsa tough. I have some self redemption to chase and I love the atmosphere during and after the race. 

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Abby Krawczyk (Craw-check)

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN

Currently resides in: Memphis, TN

Pets: Signe and Lily. Two rescue lab mixes that are often found at bike races. They love food and pets.

On the bike accomplishments:
2016 - 2nd overall Intelli Cup (p1/2), after winning stages 1 & 2. I took 2017 and 2018 off for hip surgery and have been on (what feels like) the slowest comeback ever since.

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: Internal Audit Manager for a large financial services company. I primarily work with our life insurance business. I’m fun.

Why do you race bikes: I need a fun outlet! See also, my off the bike job.

How did you get into cycling?: I swam for the University of Minnesota, dabbled in triathlon then found bike racing. Life without running is so much better. Emma was actually on my first team. She was and still is impressive!

Favorite color: my wardrobe says black, or grey. Thank goodness for cycling kits.

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I say that I don’t swim anymore, and that I “just float.” But in reality, in the case of a shark spotting, I would definitely be the first one out of the water.

What is your favorite 90s jam: I’m an 80s child.

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: Get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: A race, any race!


Kate Canady

Hometown: Bay Head, New Jersey

Currently resides in: Trent Woods, North Carolina

Pets: Max (AKA: MaxATTACK) an anxious mini doxie and Rocky (AKA: Rocky Raccoon) an enthusiastic Black Lab - he cannot be contained!

On the bike accomplishments: Workhorses don’t talk about results.

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I bought a fixer upper so that’s been taking up much of my free time.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I’m really hoping to time travel one day.

Why do you race bikes: Yoga shouldn’t be a competition.

How did you get into cycling?: See above.

Favorite color: Blue, but I have been favoring very dark moody greens of late.

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: Reading races and MINDS

What is your favorite 90s jam: How could I possibly choose just ONE? This year’s jam is “Gypsy Woman” by Crystal Waters. 

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: Bringing people together.

What animal do you most identify with?: Polar Bears are my spirit animal. 

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?:I just want to RACE.

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Ava Hachmann

Hometown: Durango, Colorado 

Currently resides in: Durango, Colorado 

Pets: The imaginary flock corgis in my dreams. 

On the bike accomplishments:
Collegiate Varsity TTT
8th Oklahoma City Pro Am #2
1st Joe Martin Amateur Road Race

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I am studying Biochemistry at Fort Lewis College, when I’m able I still love to ski and do the other outdoorsy activities of Colorado.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: It’s nearly a guarantee that I will know someone in every city I end up in. 

Why do you race bikes: I race bikes to win… but the wonderful community and travelling with friends I’d never have met otherwise, going to places I’d never have visited if not for racing are pretty good too. 

How did you get into cycling?: Riding bikes is what we do in Durango, programs start at the strider level here. My parents raced together collegiately, my mother went on to race professionally on the mountain bike for a couple seasons. The number of ex-pros and Olympians that show up to our group rides is ridiculous, keeps you humble. 

Favorite color: PINK

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I’m taller than the pack and can see over everyone, I can carry many snacks and hide my tiny teammates. 

What is your favorite 90s jam: No Diggity by Blackstreet. The song is two years older than me, but a bop regardless 

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: Make the most of the extended off-season and see how fit I can get before being reunited with the squad and crushing races. Off the bike, keep working towards finishing my bachelors degree and enjoying time with friends.

What animal do you most identify with?: Lion, peep the hair. 

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?:  I would love to see Tulsa Tough go off like in the good ole days, but I really just want to see a start line in front of me!


Allison Schroeder

Hometown: Granville, OH

Currently resides in: Boulder, CO

Pets: Hazel, a brown and white pittie who has been said to look more like a cow than a dog.

On the bike accomplishments:
4th place Barry Roubaix,
1st Intelligentsia Niles Cycling Classic 2 / 3
IL cat 2 state champ

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I’m an actuary (math nerd) at a big four consulting firm. I also love swimming, lifting, hiking, playing with my pup, and going to concerts.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I had a pet hedgehog named Blaise (named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal).

Why do you race bikes: It’s a thrilling atmosphere to push my limits to see what I can do and more importantly, what I can do for the team. I love the community and being able to see my friends succeed as well as travelling around the country.

How did you get into cycling?: I was a competitive swimmer growing up and then dabbled in triathlon and rowing throughout college. After college, I was looking for my next “thing”. My partner races and I started bringing my bike with me when I went to spectate his races, jumped in some myself, had some fun, and here I am!

Favorite color: Pink or bust!

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I can swim backwards.

What is your favorite 90s jam: My Name Is by Eminem, 90’s hip-hop was great.

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: On the bike - fearless dedication to team goals, have fun and always be SENDING IT. Off the bike, sending it exploring Colorado!

What animal do you most identify with?: Dolphin

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: ANY OF THEM. I just want to race!


Cara O’Neill

Hometown: Tucson, Arizona

Currently resides in: Tucson, Arizona

Pets: Do roommate's cats count? Banjo, Dreamboat, and Butters.

On the bike accomplishments:
USAC Collegiate Nationals 2019: 1st Road Race, 2nd Criterium
2019 Colorado Classic with the US National Team

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I'm working towards my B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Arizona and I coach kids on bikes on the weekend.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: Transferred out of Biochemistry because I can't pronounce "synthesis".

Why do you race bikes: Community, competition, and bikes are pretty cool. I also enjoy being able to pass on skills to newer riders.

How did you get into cycling?: I started with a local youth program, but my heart's really with collegiate cycling.

Favorite color: blue

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I really love a good brutal 1 minute effort. Probably up a hill.

What is your favorite 90s jam: Ehh, that's before my lifetime (sorry).

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: I want to get as much as I can out of my computer science internship this summer and really nail the teammate role for the races coming up.

What animal do you most identify with?: I've been told several times I'm like a spider on a bike. I don't like spiders. But I do accept this.

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: I'll take anything. I'm just stoked to race again.

Dakota Topp

Hometown: Anthem, Arizona

Currently resides in: Mars Hill, North Carolina

Pets: 3 dogs (pitbull Kona, great pyrenees Quinn, aussie Oakley) and 3 cats (maincoon Gulliver who I rescued on my way home from a bike race and 2 tabbys Theia and Bitty)

On the bike accomplishments:
1st San Rafael 3/4/5 2018
4th 17-18 nationals scratch race 2018
9th Collegiate Points and Scratch race 2018
9th ITT Collegiate road 2019
1st place Giordana race series 2019
- also most likely to be smiling in a picture while racing 

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I’m a double major in biology in chemistry at Mars Hill University to become a trauma surgeon in the navy. I am a big fan of all things coffee related. I do a lot of nerdy things like reading and studying.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I do not sleep with pillows. 

Why do you race bikes: I enjoy competition, and riding my bike, combining the two is the perfect mix. Also, the atmosphere (and the dogs) and getting to learn from my teammates and others is such a valuable experience.

How did you get into cycling?: I was a swimmer for 7 years and my younger sister started doing triathlons, and I wanted to do them too, but was really bad at running and didn’t want to swim anymore, so went to cycling. Found track racing that summer after stumbling on the velodrome

Favorite color: Pink!! (For reference check my bikes)

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I'm really good at making people laugh (or so I’d like to think). 

What is your favorite 90s jam: Well, I was not alive yet, so maybe I want it that way by Backstreet Boys or I got friends in low places by Garth Brooks

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: actually get to race bikes, and see the team succeed. Personally, get some podiums at local races. Off the bike, get into medical school and join the military. 

What animal do you most identify with?: Elephant 

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: Anything, honestly, it’s been too long of not doing things that anything will get me pumped

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Kate Seiler

Hometown: Louisville, KY

Currently resides in: Grand Junction, CO 

Pets: An old scruffy black lab mix named Skeeter and a special little golden lab pup named Willett. 

On the bike accomplishments:
1st, Tour of Southern Highlands 2019, Elite Juniors Omnium
3rd, Sunny King Criterium 2019, Women’s 3/4/5
9th, Junior Nationals Time Trial 2019, Women’s 17/18
9th Joe Martin Stage Race 2019, Cat 2/3

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I currently go to Colorado Mesa University and race for the cycling team there. I love to hike and camp and do all the outdoorsy stuff in my spare time as well. 

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: The only bones I’ve ever broken have been in my right arm… 3 of them.

Why do you race bikes: All my life I had constantly been doing a sport (my parents are the type to do a trail run on thanksgiving if you can’t tell <3) but I never stuck with any of them like I did when I started cycling. I really enjoyed the freedom and time away from normal life that it gave me. The amount of amazing people I’ve met through racing and traveling for races is uncountable and I’m very thankful for it. 

How did you get into cycling?: My dad started racing when he was in college and continued when I was young. It’s kind of hard not to start racing when you’re going to races every weekend and all of your friends are a part of the cycling community haha. 

Favorite color: Green 

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: Somehow keeping plants alive 

What is your favorite 90s jam: Wonderwall by Oasis, of course 

What are your 2021 goals? On the bike? Off the bike?: This year I’d like to improve my team racing skills, so getting better with tactics. Off the bike, I’d like to focus a lot more on my schoolwork and knock this semester out of the park :). I’m also trying to read more so feel free to send me book suggestions! 

What animal do you most identify with?: I’d say a brown bear

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?: I’ve always always always wanted to race twilight Athens in the pro race so hopefully soon!!


Levine Law Group Elite Women’s Cycling Team Expands Mission for 2021, Works to Form 501(c)3


12 Days later… the coast to coast challenge recap!