2022 Team Roster

The Levine Law Group Elite Women’s Cycling Team (LLG Cycling) and CCB Racing will join forces and merge beginning in 2022 to form a new domestic elite women’s team. In keeping with LLG Cycling’s roots in national level criterium racing, the new team will continue to focus on road cycling in the U.S. while adding a multi-discipline approach to foster well-rounded athletes. In combining, the new team seeks to align the mission driven components of each program while focusing on support for U25 athletes in their journey within the sport as well as in higher education through athletics. Honoring CCB’s legacy in New England, the team has added an expanded development roster that will be anchored in New England with the goal of providing a pathway for junior and young women into the elite ranks.

The 2022 roster:

Rachel Canning (Bowen Island, B.C.)
Hayley Bates (Monrovia, CA)
Ava Hachmann (Durango, CO)
Allison Schroeder (Boulder, CO)
Kate Selier (Louisville, KY)
Elizabeth Harden (Greenville, SC)
Lizzy Gunsalus (Dudley, MA)
Gabriella Dixon (Riverview, FL)
Emily Curley (Cambridge, MA)

Development Team

Betty Hasse (Providence, RI)
Mia Eberstadt (Needham MA)
Annabel Buckley Mcmahon (Brookline, MA)


Lauren LeClaire, Sports Director (Sutton, MA)
Tim Mitchell, Technical Director (Ashland, MA)

Meet them all below!!

Rachel Canning

Hometown: Lions Bay, BC

Currently resides on: Bowen Island, BC

Pets: Barclay the Golden doodle, Jacob the cat

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: Running, hiking, camping, kayaking. Spending as much time as possible with Barclay. I work as a Kinesiologist, and as a Personal Trainer.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I don’t like cinnamon buns

Why do you race bikes: To go new places and meet new people. I’m competitive by nature, so to challenge myself in ever changing environments.

How did you get into cycling?: As a way to rehab my knee after a skiing accident. I had a friend who introduced my to a racing club, and I was hooked.

Favorite color: Green

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: Handstand push ups

If you weren't racing bikes what other sport would you be competing in?: Trail running

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: Trail building

Hayley Bates

Hometown: Long Beach, CA

Currently resides in: Monrovia, CA

On the bike accomplishments: National champ team pursuit 2019, 2021 - 3rd El Paso, 8th Winston Salem

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I went to Colorado College - class of 2018. I work in commercial real estate, enjoy napping, making playlists, reading, lifting, yoga, and spending lots of time at the beach.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: when Lauren (team mom) can’t find me all of a sudden, she looks for the nearest dog

Why do you race bikes: two reasons! I love the people I meet and the places I get to go. I can’t imagine where I would be without the cycling community. I’m also very competitive with myself. I like seeing how hard I can push myself and how much I can progress.

How did you get into cycling?: my parents are cyclists and basically bribed me into the sport when I stopped playing soccer

Favorite color: blue!

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I can do a double digit number of pull ups.

What animal do you most identify with?: dogs, specifically puppies. I love running around in unpredictable bursts of the zoomies, taking naps, and affection from my favorite humans. 

What are your 2022 goals?: stand on more podiums

What 2022 event are you most looking forward to and why?: Tulsa for the energy, El Paso for the course

What’s your favorite race pump up jam?: it changes all the time, but in 2021 it was “You should see me in a crown”

What's the name of your pre race playlist?: “lol that’s cute” / “heavy hitters only”

Ava Hachmann

Hometown: Durango, Colorado 

Currently resides in: Durango, Colorado 

Pets: The imaginary flock corgis in my dreams. 

On the bike accomplishments:
Third Place Collegiate Varsity TTT, RMCCC Conference Champion 2021, Seventh Place Salt Lake City Criterium, Third Place U25 Series Overall 2021

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I am studying Biochemistry at Fort Lewis College, when I’m able I still love to ski and do the other outdoorsy activities of Colorado.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: It’s nearly a guarantee that I will know someone in every city I end up in. 

Why do you race bikes: I race bikes to win… but the wonderful community and travelling with friends I’d never have met otherwise, going to places I’d never have visited if not for racing are pretty good too. 

How did you get into cycling?: Riding bikes is what we do in Durango, programs start at the strider level here. My parents raced together collegiately, my mother went on to race professionally on the mountain bike for a couple seasons. The number of ex-pros and Olympians that show up to our group rides is ridiculous, keeps you humble. 

Favorite color: PINK

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I’m taller than the pack and can see over everyone, I can carry many snacks and hide my tiny teammates. 

What animal do you most identify with?: Lion, peep the hair. 

What 2021 event are you most looking forward to and why?:  I would love to see Tulsa Tough go off like in the good ole days, but I really just want to see a start line in front of me!

What are your 2022 goals?: hmm, I want wins. Collegiate nationals is one of my biggest targets for the year!

What 2022 event are you most looking forward to and why?: Tulsa Tough, I want redemption for last year and all the years before that…

Briefly, what's your ideal day?: long ride with friends in the morning, mandatory coffee stop, float the river in the afternoon, big yard party with bbq and cocktails in the evening. All day entertainment.

What's the name of your pre race playlist?: “Try Me”

Allison Schroeder

Hometown: Granville, OH

Currently resides in: Boulder, CO

Pets: Hazel, a brown and white pittie who has been said to look more like a cow than a dog.

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I’m an actuary (math nerd) at a big four consulting firm. I also love swimming, lifting, hiking, playing with my pup, and going to concerts.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I had a pet hedgehog named Blaise (named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal).

Why do you race bikes: It’s a thrilling atmosphere to push my limits to see what I can do and more importantly, what I can do for the team. I love the community and being able to see my friends succeed as well as travelling around the country.

How did you get into cycling?: I was a competitive swimmer growing up and then dabbled in triathlon and rowing throughout college. After college, I was looking for my next “thing”. My partner races and I started bringing my bike with me when I went to spectate his races, jumped in some myself, had some fun, and here I am!

Favorite color: Pink or bust!

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: I can swim backwards.

What animal do you most identify with?: Dolphin

Favorite thing about where you call home?: Boulder, to me, has it all. Amazing riding that you can ride outside through most all of the year, swimming, naaaature, dogs, friends, beer. Sometimes it gets really windy but that’s about the only minor downside I’ve discovered so far.

What's the name of your pre race playlist?: I have many that are constantly changing but looks like the latest is “u can’t stop me”. Intense.

Kate Seiler

Hometown: Louisville, KY

Currently resides in: Grand Junction, CO 

Pets: An old scruffy black lab mix named Skeeter and a special little golden lab pup named Willett. 

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I currently go to Colorado Mesa University and race for the cycling team there. I love to hike and camp and do all the outdoorsy stuff in my spare time as well. 

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: The only bones I’ve ever broken have been in my right arm… 3 of them.

Why do you race bikes: All my life I had constantly been doing a sport (my parents are the type to do a trail run on thanksgiving if you can’t tell <3) but I never stuck with any of them like I did when I started cycling. I really enjoyed the freedom and time away from normal life that it gave me. The amount of amazing people I’ve met through racing and traveling for races is uncountable and I’m very thankful for it. 

How did you get into cycling?: My dad started racing when he was in college and continued when I was young. It’s kind of hard not to start racing when you’re going to races every weekend and all of your friends are a part of the cycling community haha. 

Favorite color: Green 

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: Somehow keeping plants alive 

What animal do you most identify with?: I’d say a black bear

What are your 2022 goals?: Race more big crits with the team! (Just catted up to a 2 🥳)

What 2022 event are you most looking forward to and why?: Sunny King & Tulsa Tough

What’s your favorite race pump up jam?: Life Goes On- Alok remix

Izzie Harden

Hometown: Greenville, SC

Currently resides in: Greenville, SC

Pets: 3 rescue pups

On the bike accomplishments: 3rd in 2019 Jr. crit nationals, 12th in GC and wore the most combative jersey at the 2019 Tour de L’Avenir Makadence, top 10s in road race, crit, and time trial in 2018 Jr. Nationals

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: Currently a full time student at Piedmont University where I am either studying or training. However, I love any chance I can get to go out with my friends and do stuff whether it is hiking, amusement parks, shopping, etc.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I have a laughing problem

Why do you race bikes: Racing bikes is like no other sport I have played. The quick thinking, fast pace, and the unknown of what is about to come is probably my favorite part. I love the adrenaline! Plus, the places a bike will take you while training cannot be topped.

How did you get into cycling?: My dad raced for a while and I picked it up from him.

Favorite color: Pink (if glitter was a color I would say that too)

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: being able to laugh at everything

What animal do you most identify with?: Koala

What are your 2022 goals?: To learn more and grow as a rider

What 2022 event are you most looking forward to and why?: Tulsa Tough, I have watched it from home for years and the atmosphere looks amazing! I've always heard great things about this event and would love to race it.

If you weren't racing bikes what other sport would you be competing in?: Definitely soccer

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: Psychology

What's the name of your pre race playlist?: A bunch of emojis lol

Lizzy Gunsalus

Hometown: Dudley, MA

Currently resides in: going to school in Indianapolis 

Pets: Max the boston terrier and Shelby the cat

On the bike accomplishments: 2x cyclocross junior national champion, 8th at 2020 cyclocross junior worlds in Switzerland

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I am a student at Marian University studying chemistry and mechanical engineering. I love to play my guitar and hang out with my friends

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I can solve a rubix cube in under 30 seconds

Why do you race bikes: To feel free

How did you get into cycling?: My dad raced mountain bikes and cyclocross growing up. At age 5 I started BMXing with my brother. I haven’t looked back since

Favorite color: blue

What animal do you most identify with?: spider monkey

What’s your favorite race pump up jam?: Best Love Song T-Pain

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: chemistry!!!!

What's the name of your pre race playlist?: rave on the rollers 

Gabriella Dixon

Hometown: Riverview, FL

Currently resides in: Elizabethton, TN

Pets: Oreo the Havana-Mix Rabbit

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I am a student at Milligan University studying cybersecurity and computer science. I love to spend time with my family and friends.

How did you get into cycling?: Charity rides

Favorite color: Blue

What is your secret (or not so secret) strength: My secret is being able to solve clues.

What 2022 event are you most looking forward to and why?: I am really looking forward to the Tour of America’s Dairyland (TOADs) because this is my favorite racing event, and I really enjoy eating the cheese that they have.

If you weren't racing bikes what other sport would you be competing in?: I would probably be in cross country running.

Something very few people don't know about you?: I like to play video games.

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: Computer Forensics

Emily Curley

Hometown: Taunton, MA

Currently resides in: Cambridge, MA

Pets: none, but having major puppy fever. Dreaming of a future golden retriever

On the bike accomplishments: 3rd place cyclocross Junior National Championships, top 5 finishes in 2019 UCI cyclocross events: Northampton, Supercross, Really Rad, Fat Bike National Champion, 3rd place MTB junior national championships, 3rd place Quabbin Reservoir elite women road race 2019

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I graduated from Oberlin College in 2017 where I ran cross-country, indoor and outdoor track and studied Neuroscience and Chemistry. I currently work in medical sales and primarily work in hospitals in the Boston area.

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I don’t have a sense of smell! (Not due to Covid, I was born like this).

How did you get into cycling?: I grew up going to bike races all over New England with my dad. As a kid, I played a lot of other sports and was hoping I’d find my own thing outside of bike racing. But, after a while I couldn’t stay away and the family tradition continues.

Favorite color: blue

What animal do you most identify with?: Otters

What’s your favorite race pump up jam?: Stronger by Kanye is a classic, but this year I was also vibing classic Britney and T Swift

What new hobby or habit did you pick up during the pandemic?: I got back into piano and was really invested in re-reading all the Harry Potter books

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: Endocrinology, my favorite in college and my favorite now

What's the name of your pre race playlist?: “Pre Race” - super creative, I know

Betty Hasse

Hometown: Providence, R.I.

Currently resides in: Kingston, R.I.

Pets: Oh man, I wish!

On the bike accomplishments: 2nd in the u23 at Rooted Vermont 2021, top 10 overall. 2nd in the u23 both days at Really Rad Cyclocross.

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island, so I spend most of my time doing either school or bikes. I’ve learned that doing both at the same time doesn't really work :). I really like going to the beach, reading, and rock climbing.

Why do you race bikes: I wish I had a deeper response, but it’s just so fun. I haven't experienced anything else like it, and I’m definitely hooked. I like trying to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together to race a better race, and hopefully snag some results.

How did you get into cycling?: 1PVD :)

Favorite color: like potato chips, you can’t have just one?

What animal do you most identify with?: panther

What are your 2022 goals?: Cat up! Gain experience.

What’s your favorite race pump up jam?: Miserlou (usually the Agent Orange one)

What new hobby or habit did you pick up during the pandemic?: Reading classic literature

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: Math :)

Annabel Buckley Mcmahon

Hometown: Brookline, MA

Currently resides in: Maastricht, Netherlands

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: Business Student at Maastricht University

One weird/interesting fact about yourself: I was born and lived a lot of my life in Dublin, Ireland - moved to the US around 7 years ago and now I’m back to Europe!

How did you get into cycling?: My dad took me to a cyclocross race (Quad CX) when I was 12 and I loved it despite coming last! I got more and more competitive within the next 2-3 years and then I decided to commit to the sport!

Favorite color: pink

What animal do you most identify with?: a duck

What’s your favorite race pump up jam?: Thunder, Thrift Shop, or Power

Something very few people don't know about you?: I can speak a bit of chinese! And now a small amount of dutch– Ik spreek ein beetje nederlands, mijn nederlands is slecht maar het wordt beter!

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: calculus

Favorite thing about where you call home?: Its close to the city but not right in it

Mia Eberstadt

Hometown: Needham MA

Currently resides in: Munich, Germany

Pets: Patches the cat

School/Job/Stuff you do off the bike: I’m a student and an intern in Munich. If I’m not cycling in the mountains, you can find me hiking or skiing in them. I am obsessed with cooking, it’s a healthy obsession though.

How did you get into cycling?: My dad took me on a morning ride with his dad-friends and it was all downhill from there.

Favorite color: purple!

What animal do you most identify with?: Cats live the life I want

What are your 2022 goals?: To learn as much as possible and hone my race instincts. I love a good race result, but it’s not my everything. As with any experience, my main goal is to make memories I’ll love remembering.

What new hobby or habit did you pick up during the pandemic?: weight lifting!

If you weren't racing bikes what other sport would you be competing in?: I gave up volleyball in high school so I could ride more, but never stopped loving it!

Something very few people don't know about you?: I’m a dual citizen of the US and Germany

Favorite subject to nerd out about?: I have very much to say about formula 1


Levine Law Group - CCB to Welcome New Sponsors and Riders in 2023


Levine Law Group Elite Women’s Cycling and CCB Racing to Join Forces for 2022